WRSU in the 1950s
Only a few years old, but the original staff is gone. And the process started which continues to today. The upper class passes the knowledge of radio to the new staff. In what other organization do you go from being taught to running the place in less than 3 years?
  WRSU started at 630 Kilocycles in 1948, and switched to 680 Kilocycles sometime in the mid 50s. Year of the switch is lost to history. If you happen to have any documentation on this, please contact us. You memory counts as documentation.

If you have anything contribute write us via wrsu@wrsufm.com

According to documentation (The Targum), 12 College Avenue was supposed to be our temporary home. As usual with Rutgers, 12 College was our home until 1969, when RU built the Student Center at 126 College Avenue.

I realize that the late 50s is 60 years ago, which means anybody that worked at WRSU is in their 80s.
That being said, any pictures and recording from that period are especially welcome.

Here is a collection of pictures, mostly from the Scarlet Letter, and the Targum.The Scarlet Letters were in the RutgersUniversity Special Collections in Alexander Library.
I would like to thank the staff at Special Collections for their invalueable assistance.
Click on the year, and then select images or sounds.The sounds are little more rare. There is almost nothing from the 1950s. It was the time of Disc Recording, or early reel to reel. Expensive methods to save sound. But that is all there was.
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